Ehret 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon
Winery Notes:
The 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon smells like a fresh blackberry cobbler cooling on the kitchen window sill. So much so, that you would be forgiven for enjoying it quickly and thoroughly, only to be left with the memory of its pie filling core of fruit. That being said, if you somehow summon the fortitude to delay your gratification, you will be rewarded with nuances that would have otherwise been overlooked. It turns out that the black fruited core is surrounded by a red raspberry aura, and hemmed in by a lightly tacky and slightly pepperminty tannin structure. Then, this is all tied together beautifully by a lavender perfume that overpowers the senses if one takes the time to sit and continue to suspire, meditating on the aromas. Would that it were your mantra.